Yesterday I joined the Google Cloud Summit 2019 in Sydney.
The meeting place is quite huge. And there are lot of booths from different partners of Google Cloud.

The keynote was quite abstract and a little boring, so I chose to walk around different booths for fun. Here are some useful conversations and information I collected:
[HashiCorp: company for Terraform and Nomad]
Q: How short could Terraform support a new service in cloud provider, such as Lake Formation in AWS?
A: It depends on requirements from users.
Q: Only users who paid for enterprise version of Terraform?
A: No. All users, include who use open source version, will be considered to support a new service in cloud. We published new version of Terraform quarterly, although we can’t make sure every new services in this quarter will be included.
[Confluent: company for Apache Kafka]
Q: Could I use ksql in Kafka as standard SQL?
A: Currently, no. ksql only supports self-defined syntax in Kafka. It looks really like SQL, but it’s actually another language.
Q: Could I use ksql to access a table in MySQL?
A: Yes. You can export a table in MySQL to be a ‘kstream‘. Then you can use ksql to access this ‘kstream’.
[Tableau: you know what I mean…]
Q: What are the new updates for Tableau in recent one year?
A: We published a new function called ‘Ask Data’. You can type in query with natural language, and it will translate them to tableau query, by using state-of-the-art NLP technologies.
After I type in some query like ‘avg price in Manly’, it worked very well. But if I type in query like ‘top 5 price near Chatswood’, Tableau failed to get the right answer.
A: You know, NLP is really hard so we only support a range of anonymous for query words.
[elastic: company for ElasticSearch and Kibana]
Q: What’s the biggest cluster of ElasticSearch in production?
A: Well, a lot of big companies use quit big ElasticSearch clusters, such as Netflix, eBay. But we don’t know which one is the biggest because they won’t tell us every details of their clusters 🙂
[Google Cloud]
Q: Is there a product in Google Cloud that could continually import data from MySQL and export them to Cloud Storage or BigTable?
A: Yes. Cloud Data Fusion will be your best choice.
In the booth of ASUS (it produced a lot of chrome books for Google), I noticed the Dev Board which contain a edge-TPU.

The demo use “mobilenet_ssd v2” as the backbone for object detection. Just as my choice.