After launching a long-time HiveQL in SQL Editors of Hue, a small exceptional tip appears under the editor “database is locked”. The solution is to make Hue use Mysql instead of sqlite3. But I am using Hue directly got from github, not Cloudera Release version. So the correct steps should be:
- Stop Hue server
- Install Mysql and create database ‘hue’
- Edit desktop/conf/pseudo-distributed.ini, add these in “[[database]]” section:
engine=mysql host= port=3306 user= password= name=hue
- Run “make apps” (This is the most important step, as it will install Mysql connector/packages automatically and create meta tables in ‘hue’ database)
- Start Hue server
build/env/bin/hue runserver
Now we can run long-time query and there will be no error.