More than half a year past since previous article. In this period, Alan Mei (my old ex-colleague) collected more than 1 million pictures of Chinese Avians. And after Alexnet, VGG19, I finally chose Resnet-18 as my DNN model to classify different kinds of Chinese birds. Resnet-18 model has far less parameters of network than VGG19, but still get enough capability of representation.
Collecting more than 1 million sample pictures of birds and label them (some by the program, and some by hand) is really a tedious job. I really appreciate Alan Mei for accepting so hard a job, although he said he is an Avian fan :). And I also need to thank him for giving me a Personal Computer with GTX970 GPU. Without this GPU, I would not train my model so fast.
To make the accuracy of classifying better, I have read the book “Deep Learning” and many other papers (Not only Resnet-paper, of course). The reward of knowledge about machine learning and deep learning is abundant for me. But the most important of all is: I enjoyed the learning of new technology again.
Today, we launch this simple web: . In the Chinese language, “dongniao” means “Understanding Avians”. Hope the Avian-Fans and Depp Learning Fans will love it.